(SO1094) Purchasing Chief /(Japanese Speaking)

28/01/2025 15:42 PM

(SO1094) Purchasing Chief /(Japanese Speaking)



  • Male or Female
  • 35-40
  • 30,000-35,000 (Basic)
  • Chon Buri/Pinthong Industrial Estate 3

Job Detail

  Preparation and process purchase orders and documents in accordance with company policies
and procedures.
- Meet with staff and vendors to discuss defective or unacceptable goods or services and
determine corrective action
- Maintain and review records of items bought. costs. deliveries, and product performance
- Improve quality of services on internal purchasing process.
- Others job as assigned by Supervisor.

Job Requirement

Male/Female ,age over 38 years old.
- Bachelor's degree or master degree in any related field.
- At least 1-5 years experiences in Purchasing function.
- Certificate of Japanese Proficiency Test Level N3 up
- Good team leader and leadership.
- Good communication skill , self motivated ,Analytical skill ,Positive thinking , Initiative and Flexible .
Initiative and Flexible .
- proficiency in Program Thomas.
- oem parts

Job Contact

คุณสา 062-590-9193 หรือ สายด่วน 02-147-0895