(SO1077) IT developer

27/01/2025 17:42 PM

(SO1077) IT developer

Computer /IT


  • Male or Female
  • 18-25
  • 15,000-20,000 (Basic)
  • Singburi /Indra Industrial Estate

Job Detail

- Manage the LAN, Network, Computer and various IT hardware within the organization

- Manage and administer the organization's telephone system, including all expenses of the organization's telephone system

- Procure and purchase IT equipment that must be used within the organization

- Create and maintain the organization's IT asset control system

- Prepare reports and documents on various work systems and techniques

- Other tasks as assigned

- Knowledge of programming, such as VB.Net or C# or ASP.Net or Website (HTML, CSS), PHP

- Knowledge of database management, such as SQL Server or Oracle, will be given special consideration

Job Requirement

Job Contact

คุณสา 062-590-9193 หรือ สายด่วน 02-147-0895